A short film on show at CAN (Neuchâtel, Switzerland)

On the 26th of June until the 8th of August 2021, Apian is showing a short 16 mm experimental film at CAN. Called Neurocopter the piece is a weird fictional SF/ethnographic film made especially for the show. Mimicking ethnographic film from 60s-70s, the film takes the form of a trailer, mixing recent imagery from research honeybees and a voice-over narrating a fictional computational experiment that went wrong. The piece and the narrative talk about our relationship with bees within research settings working closely with this species and the transformation of this relationship via information technology.

Called Indice Ultraviolet: Décalage vers le rouge, the exhibition is a group show curated by the CAN with the following artists: Early Labyrinth & Sol Calero, Marie Griesmar, Renaud Loda, Raphaëlle Mueller, MACACO Press, Francisco Sierra, Jan van Oordt.

More about the exhibition here.


Side Note

[ID: Flyer for the CAN’s opening on the 26th of June 2021. The image is divided in two blocks. At the bottom there are the names of the exhibiting artists and the title of the show “Indice Ultraviolet: Décalage vers le rouge” written on blue on a white backgrond. At the top of the flyer, there is a colourful graphic composition mixing different images of flowers and landscapes and some diagrammatic representations of the physical phenomena chosen for the title of the show called redshift, and all of that in three different colours (red, blue and a pale green), see more about redshift on Wikipedia.]